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Petition Templates | PDF | RTF | Word

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Petitions are by which individuals can band together and let their government, or anyone else, know their concerns, complaints and desires.

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How to Write a Petition

As with anything else you write, the first rule in How To Write A Petition is to write a great headline. Remember that you’re already convinced, and what the petition has to do is to enlist others and get them to sign on to your cause. And after you’ve got the attention of your likely supporters with your headline, your opening paragraph has to very concisely state your side of the story in a compelling manner.

Next, you must elaborate on the nature of the problem in a way that will quickly grab the attention and sympathies public. Then, in a clear, forceful and unambiguous tone, you need to describe exactly the solution that you propose for the issue

Now that you’ve described what and why, you have to say who it is to whom the petition will be presented to. Will it be your employer, a local company, the town council, the state legislature or perhaps the US Senate?

The cardinal rule in writing a petition is that it should be brief, compelling, and most of all, to the point. When this petition is presented to the public, even those inclined to be sympathetic will, in all likelihood, have very little time that they can spend in reading your petition and deciding whether or not to sign it.

A petition template can be quite simple. Despite this simplicity, there is a need for flexibility, which is why a Petition Template is best to be provided as a Word document.

The top few lines will contain space for the title of the petition, as you’ve devised it. The next space will contain the petition itself, and it must be flexible enough to accommodate anything up to a few hundred words.

The rest of our Petition Template will be divided into four columns, which will contain all the information about those who subscribe to and agree with the petition. In the U.S., petitions carry much more weight with the powers that be if they are signed only by those who are registered to vote. Thus, the first column is the for person’s name as it appears on the local voting roster. The next column is for the signer’s address, and the third column is for the signature itself. Finally, the signer will insert the date of his or her signature in the last column.

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