Download Recipe Card Template | Fillable PDF | WORD | RTF

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Recipe Card Template | Fillable PDF | WORD | RTF

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Cooking is as much a personal art as it is a science, so Recipe Card Templates should reflect something of you own personality and joie de vivre. While you certainly want a clear list of ingredients and simple instructions on how to combine and meld them into a great meal or snack, it’s also important to remember that this is also an opportunity to have some fun and to express yourself.

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You will find innumerable Recipe Card Templates online, and most will have been created as word processing documents. It’s usually possible enter all the information about your recipe via the computer’s keyboard, and that way makes it easy to upload your completed Recipe Card to your blog online. But, if you prefer to keep them at home on a bulletin board or in a scrapbook, it might be more fun to just print out the Recipe Card Template and fill it in out in your own handwriting, adding that much more of yourself as an ingredient of this creative effort.

How to Fill Out a Recipe Card Template

Recipe Card Templates often have fanciful, creative, borders encircling the page, and you’ll have the opportunity to choose one of many possible offerings. Throughout the template, you’ll also have many opportunities to choose colors. If you do decide to make this an all-computer project, you’ll also have the opportunity to customize fonts, and print sizes for almost everything else.

The name of your cooking creation fits nicely to the top left corner of a Recipe Card Template. In the same horizontal space there will probably be space for a logo. Some Recipe Card Templates provide choices of logos, and for others, you add your own design. This should also be the opportunity to add a few words of self-promotion, or perhaps a comment about the dish.

In the space below, the Recipe Card Template can divide into two columns. The leftmost, a small one to enumerate the ingredients one will need in order to follow the recipe, one ingredient per line. The one on the right would then contain the instructions, the actual recipe to be followed to turn those ingredients into that side dish or meal.

Of course, there are many, many different ways to organize a recipe’s presentation, and there seems to be almost as many choices of Recipe Card Templates available for you to choose from. Another available option provides a line for how many people the recipe will serve, and for how long it will take the cook to complete the task. There is even a space at the bottom for the creator of the recipe to say a few word about the cooking process, or perhaps some of the history about the item being prepared.


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