Download rue21 Job Application Form | PDF

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rue21 Job Application Form | PDF

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rue21’s story begins in 2006 when it originated from a company called Pennsylvania Fashions. Since then this company has ambitiously grown across 47 states with nearly a thousand stores. It is known for its stylish brands in youthful fashion. This makes Rue 21 a destination for many who wish to work in a growing company with brand recognition.

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How to Apply for a Job at rue21


An applicant would work a rue 21 store pictured above

Applicants wishing to join the sales staff may take advantage of the store locator on the map then visit the store and apply. All others may apply online for positions with Rue21 through their website, There will be a clear side menu with a ‘Careers’ link. This will direct the browser to a page where applicants may read a bit about Rue21, see a video, and apply for a position. One can see their current job openings by clicking the link ‘Opportunities’ in the top left of the page. This will open a new window containing a video with a link to view current job openings. Once this is clicked, applicants will have the choice between applying for store management, corporate positions and district managers, and the distribution center.

Applicants wishing positions in these three categories may search for opportunities online and view job descriptions however they must have a profile with this website in order to apply for the position online through the site. When viewing a job description there will be two choices near the bottom; apply and send to a friend. If an applicant chooses to apply they will be given the chance to login or create an account.

An applicant may choose to build a profile using a LinkedIn account, via uploading a resume, or filling out a form. The profile will be conveniently filled out by LinkedIn should an applicant decide to use this option. This will immediately lead a candidate to an area where they may upload a resume from their computer, google drive, or drop box. In addition the applicant will be able to fill in contact information, current employer information and tax information. Once this is concluded an applicant may submit the profile. The next page will be a few simple drop down questions involving equal opportunity laws then the final submittal.

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