Download Victoria’s Secret Job Application Form | Fillable PDF

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Victoria’s Secret Job Application Form | Fillable PDF

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Victoria’s Secret, one of L Brands Inc. specialty retailers, is known far and wide for its fashionable lingerie. They have real store recognition worldwide. Thus, anyone interested in fashion would want to work for this company.

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How to Apply

The application process is straightforward and can be done through the Victoria Secret website ( by clicking ‘Careers’ link then selecting the area you wish to apply to. If an applicant wishes to apply for the retail opportunities they may select this option. This will open another window with a job application. Applicants may choose to print the application, fill it out then bring it to the store they wish to apply to or they may simply fill out the application online and submit it directly. There is a store locater available on the site to help facilitate the process of finding a local branch.

If one is looking for management or corporate level opportunities, there is an additional link on career page. Since L Brands owns Victoria Secret both the management opportunity link and the corporate opportunities link will redirect the applicant to the career section of the L Brands site ( Here, an applicant must create a user account so that they can view opportunities nationwide, see the job description and requirements for each opportunity, and submit their information. There is an option on this site for someone to simply upload a cover letter and resume. In addition, there is also a job cart for those who may be flexible enough to seek multiple opportunities within this corporation.

If applicants do not have an account and does not wish to create one (it’s free), they can also sign in using their Facebook or LinkedIn information. This is particularly useful if someone has a professional Facebook page or an up to date LinkedIn page. The site will look at those pages to see if there is any professional experience which is relevant to the job requirements to facilitate the applicants search. In cases where none is found, a dialogue box will appear but the potential applicant is still allowed to search and apply using via the job cart function.

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