Download South Dakota Power of Attorney Forms

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South Dakota Power of Attorney Forms

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South Dakota power of attorney forms are free and available to print or fill in on a desktop in order to designate someone else to handle actions and decisions on your behalf. According to State Laws (Real Property & Health Care Decisions) the form is expected to be signed in the presence of a notary but will legally accept two (2) non-blood related witnesses.

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Durable (Financial) – Grants the right of someone located in the State to be able to handle another person’s financial affairs with or without their consent as long as it is in the person’s best interests. This form should only be assigned to someone that can be trusted as he or she will have the unlimited power to act in your presence for any type of monetary related situation.

Medical – Use this legal form to establish a relationship that allows another person to be able to act in your place if you should not be in the position to help yourself in making your own healthcare decisions.

Motor Vehicle (MV-008) – Also known as form MV-008 to the Department of Revenue, allows for the designation of a person to be able to handle any type of vehicle related matter.

Tax (RV-071) – Allows a person to be able to choose a professional in South Dakota to file their State taxes to his or her benefit. All filings are still the responsibility of the Principal so it is highly recommended that the person that you choose is a trusted individual and knows the State tax codes.


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