Download T-Shirt Order Form Template | Word | PDF | Text

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T-Shirt Order Form Template | Word | PDF | Text

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A T-shirt order form, or “tee shirt”, is a document used by clothing stores to sell bulk quantities to an individual or business. The form may be filled in via Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF, Rich Text Format (.rtf) or by hand after printing.

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How to Write


The purchaser should fill in their personal and payment information including;

  • Date of Purchase
  • Name of Purchaser
  • Address of Shipment
  • Postal Code
  • T-Shirt Order
  • Color
  • Quantity of Sizes
    • Small (S)
    • Medium (M)
    • Large (L)
    • Extra-Large (XL)
    • Extra Extra Large (XXL)
  • Payment
    • Cash
    • Cheque or Money Order
    • Visa
    • MasterCard
    • Other
  • Credit Card Information (if any)
    • Credit Card Number
    • Expiration Date of Card
    • Name on Card

After the form is complete the cardholder should print and sign by hand to authorize the purchase.

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