Download Texas LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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Texas LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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Download and complete the Texas LLC articles of organization forms to start a Limited Liability Company or by applying online. Depending on the type of LLC being formed, the fee will be at least $300 and all payments must be made to the Secretary of State.

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  • Check Name Availability – Search the business entity database to make sure the name that is selected does not duplicate one currently formed.

How to File

  • Option 1 – Online Application

Apply Online Use the Secretary of State’s filing system (SOSDirect) and will have to enter either the entity of your LLC or your personal information to create an account. All payments will be processed online and after the process is complete the new company will be sent to the mailing address provided.

  • Option 2 – Paper Application

Step 1 – Complete one of the forms below that fit your needs;

  • Domestic (205) – (Most Common) – For standard companies that will have a principal office address in Texas.
  • Professional (206) – For a company that has a special license such as an attorney or medical office.
  • Foreign (304) – For companies that are located outside the State and seeking to conduct business within the State.

Step 2 – You must attach the filing fee that is associated with the form selected (See below). Make all checks payable to the Texas Secretary of State.

  • Domestic – $300
  • Foreign – $750
  • Professional
    • Domestic – $300
    • Foreign – $750

Option 2 – Step 3 – Send the document along with the filing fee to the following address;

Secretary of State
P.O. Box 13697
Austin, TX 78711-3697

Contact Secretary of State


  • Apply for EIN – If you are seeking to open a bank account with the LLC then an Employer Identification Number will need to be obtained. A person may apply online or through a paper filing.
  • Operating Agreement – It is recommended that every LLC complete an operating agreement. This form protects the entity status if ever challenged by an audit or an outside party as well as protect members (if multi-membered) from each other.


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