Download Thank You Note for Funeral

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Thank You Note for Funeral

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Taking time to attend a funeral and mourn with others shows a great deal of respect and empathy. It’s only natural then to send thank you notes for funeral attendees showing your gratitude for their presence.

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As a time when difficult emotions are flowing and stressful arrangements have to be made, the period after a funeral can be a difficult time to write effective thank you notes. By taking a few moments to yourself and considering the following steps, you can thank funeral attendees with authenticity and grace.

Make a list and brainstorm

Create a list of all the people who attended the funeral service, and include anything they did in addition to attending such as bringing food, making a donation, sending flowers, or helping in any other way. You do not have to send thank you notes to everyone who attended the funeral, but you should definitely send thank you notes to everyone who contributed to the service. Feel free to thank everyone who attended as well, however.

You should include the religious service/personnel that presided over the funeral and thank them or send a donation.Of course, if the list becomes long or you otherwise don’t feel up to writing all of the notes, get someone to help write with you.

Writing the note

Find simple stationary or premade thank you cards. Of course, you don’t need colorful or elaborate cards, as the note should reflect the somber tone of the occasion. White cards with a simple blue or black “Thank You” printed on the front are fitting.

Handwrite the notes if you can. This makes them warmer and more personal than printed notes.

Begin the note with “Dear [name],” and then immediately follow with a statement thanking them for their attendance or contribution. Feel free to be heartfelt or say that you think the deceased would have appreciated their contribution. You can follow this statement by writing about the recipient’s relationship with the deceased or with the deceased’s family, which will emphasize what the recipient meant to the deceased and perhaps to you. Then you can end the statement with “Love,” or “Best regards,” and sign below.

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