Download Timeline Template | Fillable | Word

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Timeline Template | Fillable | Word

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A timeline can be a very useful tool to measure progress for a project or plan for a number of different events. Using a timeline template will help you break down your project into smaller steps so you can organize the project’s completion better and thus work on it more efficiently.

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Large events involving many people such as weddings can be intimidating to plan. A timeline will let you schedule each portion of the wedding precisely and specify each portion’s location, the people who will work on or attend that portion, and any other information necessary for each section.

For example, during the first two hours of a wedding day, the bride and bridesmaids may be scheduled for hair and makeup appointments at a salon. Over the rest of the morning, other parties could be expected to pick up the cake or other food items, or caterers could be scheduled to set up at the reception venue. Then of course, the timeline would schedule the ceremony, and you could break this down further into when each party arrives at the ceremony and how the vows fit in.

How to Use a Timeline Template

Similarly, you can use timelines to plan a large work project. For example, you could dedicate two weeks to the planning phase, and then however much time is needed for each development phase. And you could break down each phase into sub-phases and assign them to different employees over different durations as necessary. Developing a textbook might require phases such as asset acquisition, template design, publisher approval, writing, substantive editing, copyediting, and proofreading.


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