Download Virginia Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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Virginia Department of Revenue Tax Forms

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Virginia tax forms can be completed on your behalf by any tax preparation professionals who has been approved by the Internal Revenue Service e-file program are accepted to do the same in the state of VA without application or further approval. If a tax professional prepared in excess of 50 individual tax returns in previous seasons they are then required to electronically file all returns.

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Tax Brackets in Virginia

The state of Virginia imposes eight marginal tax brackets that range from the lowest at 2.00% to the highest at 5.75%. Each rate will apply to earning within your particular tax bracket. In the state of VA, single, married and head of household filers share the same rates.

Single Tax Brackets:

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $3,000, you will pay 2.00% only
  • Earnings between $3,000.00 and $5,000, you will pay 3.00% + $60.00
  • Earnings between $5,000.00 and $17,000, you will pay 5.00% + $120.00
  • Earnings over $17,000.00, you will pay 5.75% + $720.00

Married Tax Brackets:

  • Earnings between $0.00 and $3,000, you will pay 2.00% only
  • Earnings between $3,000.00 and $5,000, you will pay 3.00% + $60.00
  • Earnings between $5,000.00 and $17,000, you will pay 5.00% + $120.00
  • Earnings over $17,000.00, you will pay 5.75% + $720.00


Any VA taxpayer who would require one will automatically be granted a six-month extension of time to file their tax return. Form 760IP, automatic extensions only need to be filed when there in an amount due.

  • Department of Taxation P.O. Box 760 – Richmond, VA 23218-0760

Where to Send a Tax Return

State Return Mailing Address:

  • Virginia Department of Taxation P.O. Box 1498 – Richmond, VA. 23218-1498

Return without Refund:

  • Virginia Department of Taxation P.O. Box 760 -Richmond, VA. 23218-0760


  • Virginia Department of Taxation P.O. Box 1478 – Richmond, VA. 23218-1478

Contact the Virginia State Department of Revenue

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