Download Washington D.C. Residential Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

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Washington D.C. Residential Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

Download and complete the Washington D.C. (District of Columbia) rental application and lease agreement which allows an owner of property to rent space to another person (“tenant”) in exchange for monthly payment. The person that is seeking the residential unit may have to undergo a financial overview through the rental application to make sure that he or she is credible to make payments on time. After approval of the background and credit  the new tenant will be sent a lease and will be required to pay any deposits immediately. If either party has any questions about their rights they should see the Survival Guide.


  • Lead Based Paint – For any unit built prior to 1978. Must be authorized by the tenant and attached to the agreement.
  • Move in Checklist – To help with any potential disputes between lessee and lessor upon move out. Takes an accounting of all damage or repairs needed at the beginning and the end of the lease term.

