Download Arkansas Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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Arkansas Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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Arkansas power of attorney gives another person you select the legal right to make any type of monetary or health care decision on your behalf. In order to get this designation you must complete the form and have all parties are recommended to sign in front of a notary public. The State Law starting January 1, 2012 also views all power of attorney documents as ‘durable’ unless it specifically states that it is not.

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  • Durable – Allows a person in Arkansas to choose someone else to handle their financial decision making on his or her behalf. All proceeds must go to the benefit of the person being represented and the Agent has a fiduciary duty to the Principal.
  • Medical – Use before surgery or if an elderly person may have the chance of entering a state of mental incapacitation so that you may be able to make health care decisions on his or her behalf. Make sure all parties authorize this document in the presence of a notary public in order to be prove legality.
  • For a Minor – Used for parents who would like to have someone else hold legal authority or control over a minor. Document must be authorized in the presence of a notary public to be considered legal.
  • DMV – Permits another person to handle title, registration, and the transfer of ownership of a vehicle with the Department of Motor Vehicles. The document needs to be signed by the owner of the automobile for it to be legal for use.
  • Tax – Specifically for State tax purposes allowing a person to handle another’s filing with the Arkansas Department of Finance. Typically the person chosen is a tax attorney or Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and filings are usually on the 15th of every April.


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