Download Illinois Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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Illinois Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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Power of Attorney in Illinois allows a person to handle monetary or medical situations on behalf of the other person. This means that after completing the form and signing in front of a notary public, that the Agent may be able to make any kind of financial transaction to the benefit of the Principal. The only way this designation may be voided is; authorization of a revocation form, death of Principal, or a new power of attorney document is signed. Read all State laws by viewing the Illinois Uniform Power of Attorney Act (Download Adobe PDF Version)

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  • Durable Financial – This document allows a person to choose someone else to make financial decisions without limit on his or her behalf or with limitations as illustrated when creating. In order to get power of attorney in Illinois both Principal and Agent must be in front of a notary public when authorizing the form.
  • Medical – Use to pick a health care agent to look after your best interests and make decisions for you in the chance you may not be able too. Get medical power of attorney by completing the document and signing with your agent in the presence of a notary public. Also see the Illinois Living Will to establish end of life treatment decisions for the principal to select on their own.
  • Motor Vehicle (Secretary of State Motor Vehicles Department) – Elect another person to be able to handle any type of decision in your best interest in relation to a vehicle that you own. The agent you select may get registration and Title from the DMV as well as sell the vehicle if instructed to do so. The document must be signed by the Principal to be legal.
  • Tax (IL-2848) – Use someone else to file your tax filing with the Illinois Dept. of Revenue by using tax power of attorney. It is highly recommended that you use a licensed CPA (Certified Public Accountant) or someone knowledgeable in the field of Illinois’ taxes.
  • Real Estate – It is recommended that this document may only be used with a real estate attorney to represent your interests at a closing. Although, the document may be made to appoint any person that the principal may deem worthy to handle the transaction.


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