Download Fillable Cuddle Buddy Application | PDF | Word

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Fillable Cuddle Buddy Application | PDF | Word

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The Cuddle Buddy Application is a form available online for those seeking to join a whimsical organization called the National Cuddle Buddy Association. There are chapters in many college campuses, and the group has a presence on Facebook.

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How to Fill-in

The top left side of the form displays the group’s logo, which for some inexplicable reason includes a large spoon. There is much speculation online as to the significance of the spoon, and yet there is no official explanation. The right side of the top displays the group’s name, “National Cuddle Buddy Association” in small letters, and, just below that, the legend “Official Cuddle Buddy Application” in large, bold lettering.

The next line below that is a space for you to print in your last name, first name, and middle initial. Then, on the next line, you fill in your date of birth, indicate whether you are male or female, then you fill in your height and weight. On the end of that line is a space for your phone number.

At this point, the Cuddle Buddy Application splits into two columns.

On the left side of the form, there are three boxes, one on top of the other. The first on the top is for your complete address, including street, city, state and zip code. The next box is where you list the pet names and nick names that you like to be called by, presumably when you cuddle. The last box is where you specify either the outfit you prefer to wear while you cuddle, or perhaps the outfit you’d prefer your partner to wear; again, the form isn’t quite clear. The form affords you the opportunity to choose “N/A” as answers for the questions posed in either of the last two boxes.

One the right side of the Cuddle Buddy Application, the topmost box is for your email address. Next you must rate four factors as they relate to cuddling. These are Hand–Holding, Warmth, Closeness and Comfort. You must rate each factor on a scale of 1 to 4; 1 being of greatest importance. You can use each digit, from 1 to 4, only once. Finally, one the bottom of the right column, you must include an honest assessment of your own cuddling on a scale of 1 to 10.

The Cuddle Buddy Application reverts back to a single column. You must now describe your preferred Cuddle position in a few sentences. Finally you will be asked to sign this form. Your signature confirms that this application will be evaluated, and you are hereby giving permission for the National Cuddle Buddy Association to contact you with the news of your acceptance or rejection.

Cuddle Buddy App | PDF | Word

Cuddle Buddy App | PDF | Word


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