Download Household Budget Spreadsheet Templates | Excel

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Household Budget Spreadsheet Templates | Excel

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The household budget templates are used to help manage money by reviewing a family’s monies through personal income deducted by all fixed expenses. The list gives the household an idea of where their money is being spent and at what percentages (%).

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How to Write

There will be lines for however many salaries that we draw. There may also be a line to for any steady source of outside income, as well. If you are receiving an annuity, alimony, child support, or public assistance, there must also be lines to capture these monthly amounts. Finally, at the bottom of our monthly Income section, there will be a line that holds the sum of your monthly income.

Next, your Household Budget will have two sections for expenses. They are Mandatory Expenses and Other Expenses.

Mandatory expenses include monthly rent or mortgage expenses. There is also the auto loan and the auto insurance. Nor must we forget utilities such as electricity, gas, cell phone and internet. And, you certainly must buy food. There are also any loans you have outstanding, and your monthly minimum payment on any revolving debt. At the bottom of this section, too, there will be a summary line.

The next section is for Other Expenses, the things that make life worth living. Here’s where using a prefabricated Household Budget Template becomes problematic, because, unlike the previous sections, these are different for each of us. The better templates, through a question-and-answer introductory session, allow some flexibility here. In any case, some obvious choices are entertainment, meals out, payments beyond the monthly minimum for revolving credit and toys for the children.

Finally, the two Expense sections are summed up, yielding Total Expenses. They are then subtracted from the total of the Income section. This final piece of our Household Budget Template must be a positive number. This amount is, in essence, pocket money that we can now spend with a clear conscience.

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