Download Vehicle Maintenance Log Template | Excel | PDF

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Vehicle Maintenance Log Template | Excel | PDF

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Vehicle maintenance logs begin with spaces to put the make, model, license plate and the vehicle identification number of the unit being tracked. This may be a bit of overkill for most people, as few of us own so many vehicles that we are likely to forget which one is which. But, it is possible that we might forget whether we changed the antifreeze on the SUV or the minivan, so it’s probably not a bad idea.

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How to Write

On the top of our Vehicle Maintenance Log will be spaces for the amounts spend on vehicle maintenance. There will be one space for the total amount spent over the life of the vehicle, and other spaces for the total spent each year. This might very well be the most valuable part of the Vehicle Maintenance log, because you, the owner will be able to see how your costs are trending by year, and that will be an important contribution towards the decision as to when it is time to replace the vehicle with a new one.

Six columns dominate the main body of the Log. The first two contain the date the maintenance service was rendered, and the mileage on the vehicle’s odometer at that time. The next column should be larger, because it must contain a description of the service, such as tire rotation or engine tune-up. Obviously, this description may sometimes have to be much longer, so the contents of this column may well dictate that each entry for a given service may have to extend over many lines.

The fourth column will identify who performed the service, whether it was you, your neighbor, or the name of the commercial service that you used. The next column will contain the all-important cost of the service. The final column will contain any special notes related to the vehicle or the service provider. Like the description of the service contained in the third column, this entry, too, may extend over many lines.

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