Download Blood Pressure Logs | Fillable PDF | Printable

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Blood Pressure Logs | Fillable PDF | Printable

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A blood pressure log needs to record the date and time of your blood pressure readings. It must record both the systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure, also know as the top and bottom measurements. It would also be important to record anything special the might be happening when the measurement was being taken. For example, an argument with a child or spouse might be the cause of a one-time high measurement.

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How to Fill-in

The first column of the Blood Pressure Log is generally reserved for the date, and the second column is for the time the reading was taken. Next, the readings themselves are noted, with one column each for Systolic and Diastolic. The final column is reserved for your notes, as described earlier. To make this project clinically useful, before you begin, you must consult with your physician as to how many times a day you should take these readings, and at what time you should do so.

The ubiquitous availability of smartphones makes this device a natural for Blood Pressure Logs. Now, you needn’t be tethered to a written log or a laptop to record you blood pressure readings.

Smartphones make it possible to take a true “next step” in monitoring your blood pressure. Now, it’s possible to automate the entire process of monitoring blood pressure and creating a real-time Blood Pressure Log.

Portable, non-intrusive blood pressure cuffs are now available that can be controlled via smartphones. There are apps available that will turn the cuff on and of off, and record the reading in memory. How often the readings are taken can also be controlled by the app.

This presents a number of great advantages. For one, you can make recording as often as needed, offsetting any one-time variation, whatever the cause. In addition, you won’t have to upset your routine to take the measurement, and the gentle pressure of the cuff inflating will become almost as familiar to you as your breathing. These factors will all serve to provide a better and truer indication of your blood pressure and the course of its variation, allowing the physician to make a better judgment as to the need and nature of any clinical interventions.


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