Download Blank Grocery List Templates | PDF | Word | Excel

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Blank Grocery List Templates | PDF | Word | Excel

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A grocery list can help you avoid these temptations and simplify your shopping to make it easier so you won’t have to try to remember everything you need in the middle of a busy aisle. And of course, you will be less likely to forget a critical ingredient like Sriracha sauce or garlic.

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How to Write

To get started, you can review the food you have in your kitchen to see what you need for any cooking you will do over the week. Looking at a comprehensive list of foods can also help jog your mind so you can decide what foods you need. Some people like to make a list as they think of the foods they need, rather than compiling it all at once. Using a white marker board in your kitchen is great for this.

A great way to outline your list is by food types, similarly to how food is organized at the store. Here are some categories you can use:

  • Produce
  • Meat
  • Condiments/Spices
  • Breakfast Foods
  • Toiletries
  • Kitchen Supplies
  • Deli
  • Beverages
  • Dairy

If you have a recipe to make involving a lot of ingredients, it could help to organize all the ingredients for it under one heading.

Another benefit of using a grocery list when you shop is that you will be more likely to buy healthy foods if you have them listed in front of you, instead of conveniently forgetting to buy vegetables you weren’t very excited about eating in the first place.

You probably buy many of the same foods each time you go grocery shopping. One great way to handle this is to make a master grocery list on your computer with check boxes next to each item. Then before you shop, you can check off all the ingredients you need rather than writing a new list each time. Keeping this list on the fridge, for example, or somewhere else in the kitchen will make it easy to fill it out gradually between shopping trips.

For the more tech-minded shoppers, there are a number of apps you can get to compile a grocery list with your smartphone. These let you make lists divided by food type, choose from items already in the apps’ memory, and you can share your lists with others.


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