Download Employee Evaluation Form | Performance | Fillable PDF | Word

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Employee Evaluation Form | Performance | Fillable PDF | Word

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When evaluating your employees, it is important to have an objective, repeatable set of standards with which to judge each individual’s worth in an unbiased, consistent manner. An Employee Evaluation Form, composed of a battery of standard questions equally applicable to all the members of your workforce, provides just such a platform.

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How to Use an Employee Evaluation Form

The form starts with the employee’s name, job function, and date of hire. There will then be a formal description of the duties listed for the employee’s position as well as individualized expectations for the employee.

The first item on most variations of the Employee Evaluation Form is the yearly attendance summary. Here will be listed the number of days missed, as well as the number of times the employee was late for work without a valid excuse.

In a similar manner, the employee’s relationships with staff, customers and outside vendors will also be rated and commented on. For more technical positions, the employee’s job related knowledge must also be evaluated.

There will certainly be a section devoted to the quality of the employee’s work. There may be a rating of one through ten, with one being for superior achievement, and ranging down to ten for unsatisfactory performance. There may also be a section here for the employee’s manager or supervisor to make specific comments.

There are other key areas of employee performance that will certainly be evaluated on any Employee Evaluation Form. These, too, can be evaluated on a numerical scale, with or without room for the managers written comments. Theses universals include honesty, dependability, work quality and work consistency.

There are also other job-related attributes that may or may not be important, depending on the type of position the employee occupies, and in the nature of the company itself. These may include communication skills, creativity, and initiative. Other factors that may also need to be rated include the employee’s aptitude and ability for making decisions, how successful he or she has been at meeting deadlines, as well as adaptability and flexibility. Because these factors might be hard to completely describe with a numerical, one to ten rating, the Employee Evaluation Form will certainly have a place for the supervisor’s written comments in these sections.

Most Employee Evaluation Forms will also include a section detailing any action that the employee can, should, or must take to improve his or her performance. In all cases, there will be a place for the employee to date and sign the form, which will provide written proof that the employee has seen and acknowledged this evaluation.


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