Download Postcard | Template | Postage | Stamps

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Postcard | Template | Postage | Stamps

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If you need to send out written reminders to the people you do business with, or to your patients, your clients, or for an advertising campaign, there’s nothing that hits home faster and cheaper than a postcard. Better yet, there’s no need to fill out each card with an identical message, wasting valuable time and effort, or to rely on bland generic messages. With the aid of a Postcard Template, you can create you own special message, perfectly suited to your own unique purpose.

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After you’ve created just what you need, you can print as many as you want from your own printer. Alternatively, you can copy the completed template onto a flash drive and bring it to any copy center for printing, and there are even online services that will perform the same function.

How to Create and Use a Postcard

If your needs are simple, you may need to look no further than your own copy of Microsoft Word. This package offers its own selection of Postcard Templates, with a considerable degree of customization available. If you don’t see just what you like, you can go online to find other templates that may better suit you purposes.

There are also many Postcard Templates available online, and most are completely customizable. The largest number, as you might expect, are designed to work with Microsoft Word or Adobe. But other formats, such as Google Docs, aren’t neglected, either. Best of all, most are advertiser-supported, and are available at no cost. Some are coupled with a valuable commercial service that allows you to upload a list of contacts whose addresses can be inserted into the appropriate space, saving you even more work.

As you search for templates, inform the search engine of the type of postcard you’d like to produce, such as wedding invitations, thank you cards, or dental appointment reminders. This will narrow your search and produce much quicker results.

The typical customizable Postcard Template will appear fully filled out and ready for printing. But the photos, messages and addresses are merely filler, to give you an idea of what a completed postcard will look like.

As an example, a Postcard Template for a postcard thanking the guests of a wedding for attending will have space on the back of the card filled with a number of pictures of a typical wedding. Here, you will upload the pictures of your wedding from your hard drive to replace them. There will also be a generic “thank you” message that you can override with your own note. Here, the font, font size and font style are also configurable. After you save your customization, the template takes you to the other side, where you insert your return address.

The result is a printable postcard that reflects what you wish to say, and the opportunity to print as many of them as you need.


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