Download Printable Cause and Effect Worksheets |PDF

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Printable Cause and Effect Worksheets |PDF

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  • Download printable cause and effect worksheets.

What exactly is cause and effect? When one reads about an event or action and the result of that event or action, you are reading about the results of cause and effect. The cause is what makes something happen and an effect is what happens as a result of the cause.

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Sometimes the effect as the result of a cause can be crystal clear, for example, dropping a lit match in a puddle of gasoline will start a fire. The cause- dropping the lit match in the puddle of gasoline- the effect- it started a fire. At other times, you may have to make an educated guess as to the possible connections of the cause and effect of a particular event or action.

When you are writing and wish to create an obvious cause and effect relationship for your reader you will most likely use words that will clue in your reader.


The explosion was caused by a fuel tanker that crossed the train tracks in the path of an oncoming freight train. The relationship between the crash and the explosion were a clear signal when the word “caused” was used.

Other words and phrases that would show cause and effect would be:

  • effect
  • reason
  • affect
  • therefore
  • accordingly
  • so that
  • in order that
  • results in
  • why
  • as a result
  • since
  • consequently
  • for

You may also find cause and effect relationships by paying close attention to verbs the writer may use. If you aren’t certain if a verb is causative, you may choose to look it up in a dictionary to see if the verb would describe the effect one situation has on another.

Some often used causative verbs:

  • create
  • destroy
  • produce
  • make
  • sharpen
  • dissolve

Take advantage of the worksheets contained in the links above to vastly expand your understanding of the many aspects of writing about cause and effect.

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