Download CD Cover Template

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CD Cover Template

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Gone are the days where you listen only to traditional albums on CDs. With the prevalence of digitally available media, you can download a huge variety of music and make an endless range of customized CDs suited to any occasion or taste.

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Using CD Cover Template

You don’t necessarily have to lose track of an unorganized pile of customized CDs—you can easily create covers for CD cases and labels for the CDs themselves. Burning your own CDs is more common as well when it comes to live recordings, which aren’t often available on a studio-released CD. Often, as with most other music these days, live recordings are offered through an artist’s website. Sometimes these come with graphic art or CD covers as well, but they often do not include these. Making your own CD covers for these recordings will help you keep track of them and organize your collection.

Microsoft Word will also let you create CD covers and labels by going to “New” under the File tab, clicking the “Labels” option, and then going into the Media Labels folder, where you will find a variety of pre-made CD covers and circular CD labels. You can insert a variety of art on these labels and enter any text you wish, so you can customize the look of your CDs and include any information on the CD or the cover. Including dates and locations of live performances, for example, is often the only way to discern which CD is which when you have multiple live performances from the same artist.

Of course, if you are graphically inclined, you can add custom graphics to your labels and covers as well. In addition to creating your own art to complement a particular set of songs, customized graphics could help you distinguish between your customized CDs.


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