Download Commercial Lease Application Form

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Commercial Lease Application Form

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The commercial rental application is used for landlords seeking to lease their property to a tenant that will occupy for a monthly payment. Depending on the type of property, the landlord will usually have to invest money in fitting-up the space to the tenant’s specifications. Therefore, the landlord will want to ensure that the business will be operating the entire term of the lease agreement by requiring them to fill out this document.

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The landlord is allowed to collect a non-refundable fee for running the credit check and verifying with any sources provided by the tenant. The tenant should be requested to provide the following;

  • Occupants
  • DBA (“Doing Business As”)
  • Type of Entity (Sole Proprietor, Partnership, Corp, LLC, etc.)
  • Year Established
  • Type of Business
  • Number of Employees
  • Gross Annual/Monthly Revenue
  • Commercial Rental History
  • Banking References including Account Numbers
  • Principal(s)
  • Credit References

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