Download Idaho LLC Certificate of Organization Forms

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Idaho LLC Certificate of Organization Forms

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The Idaho certificate of organization forms are used to apply and register a limited liability company. The form must be submitted along with the $100 filing fee to the Secretary of State.

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How to File

Step 1 – Download and complete the Certificate of Organization that fits your needs;

  • Domestic – For all LLC’s that will be located inside the State
  • Domestic Professional – For all LLC’s that will be located inside the State that include the following occupations as written in Statute 30-6-102 such as; architecture, chiropractic, dentistry, engineering, landscape architecture, law, medicine, nursing, occupational therapy, optometry, physical therapy, podiatry, professional geology, psychology, certified or licensed public accountancy, social work, surveying and veterinary medicine.
  • Foreign – Also known as the ‘Application for Certificate of Authority for Foreign Limited Liability Company’, which is any company located outside the State seeking to do business in Idaho.

Step 2 – Attach a check payable to the Idaho Secretary of State for $100. Send the completed document and check to the following address:

Office of the Secretary of State
450 N 4th Street
PO Box 83720
Boise ID 83720-0080


  • Apply for an EIN – This will allow your Limited Liability Company to setup a bank account. Much like a Social Security number, without this reference number you will not be able to conduct any financial transactions.
  • LLC Operating Agreement – This document helps protect your business and allows you to protect yourself as well from other partners (if any).


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