Download Kentucky LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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Kentucky LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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The Kentucky articles of organization is the official form for creating a new limited liability company. The form must be completed along with the required fee, made by check, payable to ‘Kentucky State Treasurer’. All LLC’s must be created in accordance with State laws (Statute 275.020).

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  • It is recommended to check with the business entity database to make sure the company name has not been taken yet with the Secretary of State.

How to File

Step 1 – Fill in Application – Choose one of the options to fill in the articles of organization below;

  • Option 2 – Paper Filing
    • Domestic – For all standard companies that will be located inside the State.
    • Domestic Non-Profit
    • Domestic Professional – For any company that will be involved in a business service that is under the State’s applicable licensing laws and regulations.
    • Foreign – Also referred to as the ‘Certificate of Authority’, it is to be used by any LLC located outside the State seeking to do business in Kentucky.

Step 2 – Pay Fee – Pay the fee associated with your filing;

  • All Domestic Entities – $40
  • Foreign – $90

If filing via paper application, send the attached fee and form to:

PO Box 718
Frankfort, KY 40602
(502) 564-3490


  • Ein Number Application – An EIN is required if there will be a bank account associated with the entity. It can be applied for at the IRS website.
  • LLC Operating Agreement – It is recommended that all LLC’s create and authorize their own operating agreement to help with liability between partners or any outside exposure.


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