Download Minnesota Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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Minnesota Power of Attorney Forms and Templates

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Use the Minnesota power of attorney documents to make a designation in the State that allows a person (whom you select) to make monetary or health care decisions to your benefit. Must be authorized with a Notary or at least two (2) witnesses present in order to be legal. For more information read the power of attorney laws and statutes on the State website.

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  • Durable Financial – Use this legal document to allow another person to be able to act in your place for any financial act. The form must be authorized in front of a notary public in order to be legal. See all transactions permitted in Chapter 523 Section 24.
  • Health Care – Use to establish a person to represent your best interests for health care in the chance you may not be able to do so on your own. This document is more common with the elderly especially those suffering from dementia. The form also allows the principal to state their end of life treatment options much like a living will. See all laws in relation to health care power of attorney.
  • Tax (REV184) – Hire a person to handle your taxes in Minnesota and using this document to grant them the legal authority to file on your behalf with the department of revenue.
  • Over a Minor Child – Allows a parent to designate a family member to oversee their child’s education and health care for a period up to one (1) year. Once the term is complete the form becomes void but can be renewed as many times as desired by the parties. See Chapter 524.5 Section 210 for more information.


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