Download Mississippi Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

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Mississippi Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

Download Mississippi rental agreements that permit a manager or landlord to be able to enter into an contract with a tenant over the occupation of property. It is recommended that the lessor check the lessee’s credit and background before authorizing an agreement. If either party has any questions about their rights they should review and read the Landlord-Tenant Laws.

  • Rental Application – This document must be filled in by a potential tenant in order to verify his or her credit and the they are capable of paying rent on time. Make sure the every part of this application is filled in to verify any and all employment, credit, and rental history.
  • Residential Lease Agreement – A legal document that allows a property owner, manager, or representative to enter into a contract with a lessee in exchange for rent. It is advised that a full credit and background check be completed through the use of a rental application to verify that he or she is able to pay the rent on a timely basis.
  • Sublease Agreement – For tenants that are currently under a lease agreement and would like to rent a portion or the entire space to another person (“Sublessee”) during their term. Standard leases usually have provisions against any type of subletting arrangement so the tenant may have to seek written permission from the landlord or manager.

Common Landlord-Tenant Laws

  • Security Deposit
    • Maximum – No limit on how much the landlord may require
    • Returning – Landlord must give back the deposit to the tenant within forty five (45) days
  • Access – The landlord does not have to grant notice before entering the property
  • When is Rent Due – Rent is due on the date provided in the lease agreement. There is no grace period.

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