Download New Hampshire Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

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New Hampshire Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

Download New Hampshire rental agreements that allow a property owner and a lessee to agree to terms and conditions of a contract. The most important detail is how much money the rent will be every month, other than that it is recommended that the potential tenant be screened before entering into a long term arrangement. If either party has any questions they should refer to the Consumer Sourcebook.

  • Rental Application – Should be used by a landlord to screen a potential tenant before signing a binding lease contract. Once signed it will give permission to the landlord to view the person’s credit and employment history as well as verify with any references about their character. A fee may be charged for providing this service and the process can take anywhere from an instant credit check to a few days. Once approved, negotiations on a lease agreement will follow.
  • Standard – Use this residential template provided by the State as a landlord or tenant to make an agreement over the use of property. The most common term is one (1) year and will start on the commencement date, not necessary the date signed. The landlord will usually ask for a security deposit along with the first months’ rent. Fill in all the blanks of the document and once the form is signed it becomes legal in the State of New Hampshire.
  • Month to Month  – Also referred to as “tenancy at will”, allows for an ongoing rental arrangement that renews every month with the payment of rent. Either party is allowed to cancel the contract or modify it’s terms with at least thirty (30) days written notice.
  • Sublease – Also known as “subletting”, allows the tenant of a rental property to lease a part or the entire premises to someone else in exchange for payment. Most leases will forbid this kind of arrangement so the tenant will most likely have to seek permission from the landlord. It should be known by the new tenant (“sublessee”) is under the full responsibility of the original tenant in regards to; vacating, damage, and payment.

Common Landlord-Tenant Laws

  • Security Deposit
    • Limit – One months’ rent or $100 whichever is greater
    • Returning – Thirty (30) days – If no written agreement, twenty (20) days from the date of move out
  • Access – Landlord must provide “adequate notice under the circumstances”. There is no set time period.

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