Download Non-Compete Agreement Templates | Disclosure | Confidentiality

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Non-Compete Agreement Templates | Disclosure | Confidentiality

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A non-compete agreement is a clause or contract that states a person or entity may not be able to enter into the same industry or niche as the other party. This is often used as a negotiation tactic when hiring employees, agreeing to rent real estate, and when hiring contractors/sub-contractors.

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  • Generic – A standard contract that allows a person to disclose information without it being repeated for the safety of the cause. If the party receiving the information breaches the terms and informs others of the restricted information then they may be liable for damages.
  • Employee Non-Compete Agreement – Often times with larger companies, an employee upon be hired may be asked to sign a non-compete so that if they leave the company they may not be able to work for themselves or a competitor. This is done so that the employee, upon being hired, may be able to learn all the trade secrets without the danger of creating a competitor.
  • Independent Contractor Agreement – For use if a person is hired as an independent contractor to not be able to pursue any future field in a specific industry after their work. This helps the company that is doing the hiring to be able to trade as much information as possible with the independent contractor without the fear of trade secrets or practices to be used against them by the person or a competitor.


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