Download Printable Raffle Ticket Templates | PDF

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Printable Raffle Ticket Templates | PDF

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A raffle ticket template allows a person or entity to set a price along with prizes for persons interested in the chance to win with the chance by purchasing tickets. The originator is usually selling them in order to make a profit by making the prize enough to that people are encouraged to buy and at the same time making the winner(s) not take home more than the sum of all the tickets sold. This is primarily used by non-profits, schools, and other organizations when fundraising for a project or concern.

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How to Create

When it comes time to print your newly created tickets from your work with your template, you have a number of choices. You can buy the appropriate type of paper stock and print them from home using your own printer. But if you don’t relish changing your ink cartridges when they run dry, or if your printer isn’t up to dealing with thick stock, you can load your design on to a flash drive and bring it to almost any office supply store and they’ll print as many copies as you need. Many will also accept submissions by email, bill you over the internet, and mail the completed ticket to the location of your choice.

There are also some very clever templates available online for generating Raffle Tickets. In one example, you are offered a boxed off area within which to print the name of your raffle. There are other boxes for the ticket price and the date, and another boxed off area the print any messages, mottos, or promotions you might choose to include on your Raffle Ticket.

There is also a space on the Raffle Ticket template for the ticket number. A good template will offer you the opportunity to print ticket numbers in sequence, and you’ll also be able to choose what number to start with. Some of the templates have trouble with this option or don’t offer it at all, so if this is important to you, make sure the choice is there before you commit.

None of the Raffle Ticket Templates of this form are offered free of charge. The better ones will allow you to see what your completed tickets will look like before they bill you. Some will offer to print the tickets for you and mail them to you, and others will let you download them in the form of PDF or Word files so that you can print them yourself at home.


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