Download USPS Change of Address Form – PS Form 3575 | PDF

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USPS Change of Address Form – PS Form 3575 | PDF

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PS Form 3575 form is rather difficult to find, even at the post office. The reason for this is that the USPS would prefer that you file your change of address online. You have to specifically ask for the form by name and number, and even then, it might be unavailable at any given post office on any given day.

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How to Fill-in

  1. On the very top of PS Form 3575 are sections one and two. In section one, you check off if the move is for an individual, a family, or a business. In section two, you check if the move is temporary or not.
  2. The next line of the USPS Change of Address Form consists of sections three and four. Section three is for the effective day of your move, and section four is where you indicate when to discontinue the forwarding of your mail, if this form is being filled out for a temporary change of address.
  3. The next two lines of PS Form 3575, section five, are for your name. On the rightmost edge of the lines described thus far is a section for official use only.
  4. Next is Section six. Here, if this is a change of address for a business, you fill the business’s name.
  5. The next three lines of the USPS Change of Address Form are occupied by section seven. It is here that you enter the old address. Section eight, which also occupies three lines, is for the new address. In both sections seven and eight, there are special consideration for addresses in Puerto Rico.
  6. The last line to fill consists of Sections nine and ten. In section nine, you print and sign your name. You must then fill in the date of your signature in section ten. On the rightmost section of this line, there is another space for official use only.
  7. PS Form 3575 is attached to a postage-free mailer that will direct it to the correct office to log in your change of address, whether it is permanent or temporary.
  8. If you do elect to effect your change of address online, you must be aware of numerous online scams. Your full name, and the knowledge of when your residence will be unoccupied, can be valuable information to criminals. Beyond the obvious possibility of burglary, if you fall prey to one of these schemes, the USPS will never be notified of your wishes, and your mail will still be delivered to your now vacant home. The thieves can collect it, and do many sorts of damage with the information contained within, including identity theft.

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