Download Valve Employee Handbook

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Valve Employee Handbook

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Valve is a company that creates what is considered some of the most innovative gaming software in the industry, and this is their written word with regard to their employee handbook.

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Usually, when we get through our interview processes on a new job, we’re handed an employee handbook. It’s used to silently bark the rules and regulations, the laws they have protected themselves from and how it’s going to be, if you will.

Their employee handbook is brave, compassionate, it provides a place for an employee to know their value within the company and it’s a reminder that you would be a part of a family at work that will support you in every way possible.

It’s clear that there is truly no, oh so familiar, institutionalize structure in management. Their employees, as stated by their handbook, should understand that this is an opportunity to do what they believe to be best for themselves within the company. The handbook is partially an understanding of the best possible training that would serve both the employee and the company and it also explains management style which is seldom seen in any industry at all.

If one would actually take time to study Valve’s employee handbook they would find that this company works much on a system of democracy.

Convincing the company of some extraordinary idea isn’t a matter of speaking with the hierarchies and waiting weeks for the gavel to fall with a decision in the positive or negative, it’s more about working together with other members of the company and getting them on board. The talent in the company will decide among themselves and if they can create a team that would be willing to collectively create a proposed project, then that’s likely what will happen. Imagine working for a company that actually trusts the intellect and talent of the people they have hired to get the job done in the first place. Novel.

This handbook and management style would be exciting for anyone who may have the opportunity to encounter such an experience. More companies in America, should review this handbook and consider it’s contents. If more companies operated in such a fashion, it’s likely that any business at all would be far more successful if they were willing to create the relaxed environment, the hands OFF approach to success.



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