Download Virginia Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

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Virginia Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

Download a Virginia lease agreement to create a landlord-tenant relationship by occupying property in trade for monthly rent. A tenant may have to go through a credit review through a rental application. If the landlord and tenant come to terms, an agreement should be authorized and each party to receive an original for legality. If either party has any questions about the laws or their rights they should read the Landlord-Tenant Handbook.


  • Rental Application – A person looking for a residential unit may have to apply through an application to see if he or she is qualified financially. The landlord may charge a fee and after a review of the tenant’s background and references will a decision be made on approval. If approved, the tenant will be sent a lease contract made for immediate signing.
  • Standard Lease – A landlord, before occupancy, will want a lessee to sign a residential agreement for a fixed arrangement for the use of property. Typically for a one (1) year term, the tenant may have to apply and submit to a background check through the application, and if he or she is approved a lease is usually created. Once it is signed by both parties it becomes legally binding until the end date.
  • Sublease – Allows a person that holds a lease to rent the same portion of property to someone else (“sublessee”) in return for rent. The original tenant must check the master lease to ensure that subletting is allowed and if it isn’t he or she must get written approval from the property owner or manager. The sublessee will be liable to pay rent to the original tenant and may not sign for a term longer than the original lease dates. Once signed by both parties (“sublessor” and “sublessee”) the form becomes legal.

Landlord-Tenant Laws

  • Security Deposit
    • Limit – Landlord may only be able to require two (2) months’ rent at the time of leasing
    • Returning to Tenant – Must be sent to tenant within forty-five (45) days from the end date of the contract
  • Landlord’s Access – Twenty-Four (24) hours except for maintenance requested by the tenant hich does not need any notice
  • When Rent is Due – On the date agreed upon in the contract by the lessor and lessee

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