Download Wisconsin LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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Wisconsin LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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Download and complete the Wisconsin LLC articles of organization either in paper form or online (QuickStart LLC) to register a new limited liability company. All filing fees will be paid to the Secretary of State.

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  • Check Name Availability – If you are forming a new company it is highly advised that the applicant check in the business database to ensure the name has not been previously registered.

How to File

Option 1 – Apply Online The fastest and easiest approach to creating an LLC. The online system takes about 15 to 20 minutes to complete the web form. At the end of the session you will be instructed to pay the $130 filing fee (Expedite for an additional $25). The Secretary of State will take approximately 10 to 15 business days to send the new company forms in the mail to the address provided.

Option 2 – Printable Applications – There are 2 main applications to be used when filing the paper version. Select the one that best matches your scenario below;

  • DomesticMost Common – Filing Fee $170 – For all companies with typical business purposes that will be located in Wisconsin.
  • Foreign – See Section 9 of the Form for the filing fee – For all LLC’s located outside.

Attach the required filing fee and send to the following address:

Department of Financial Institutions
PO Box 7846
Madison WI, 53707-7846

Contact Information


  • EIN Application – It is recommended that every new Limited Liability Company register an Employment Identification Number with the Internal Revenue Service in order to participate in financial activity as well as open bank accounts. This number can be applied for online and takes about 10 minutes to fill in the blanks and an ID will show up at the end of the session.
  • Operating Agreement – This form is useful for companies with multiple partners as it creates an agreement that protects each other from themselves. This may also be used for single member LLC’s to help protect their entity status.


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