Download Fillable Zumiez Job Application Form | PDF

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Fillable Zumiez Job Application Form | PDF

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Zumiez is an activity clothing store which was founded in Seattle in 1978. It’s known for featuring cutting edge fashion and accessories for skaters and snowboarders but also has a very wide customer base. This company has grown with over 400 locations since then. The fashionable atmosphere and steady growth makes this company a preferred destination for many job seekers wishing to work in a sporty environment or with products that are so strongly associated with popular fashion and an active lifestyle.

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How to Apply for a Job at Zumiez


Apply in-store at Zumiez

Applicants interested in working with Zumiez may apply online on their website, Here they may select the ‘Work at Zumiez’ link located at the bottom center of the page under the heading ‘Cool Stuff.’ This link will direct the browser to the careers section of the Zumiez site. Here applicants will be greeted with quite a few choices for their job search. They may search by zip code and radius or select the ‘Sales’ link, ‘Asst. Manager’ link, and/or ‘Store Manager’ link to access the appropriate areas. In addition to this central area of the page, applicants may also choose from several options on the left hand side of the page; Stores, Distribution Center, Web Fulfillment or Cust. Care’ and ‘Home Office.

Applicants interested in office positions with the home office may select the ‘Home Office’ link or simply do a search by keyword or location. The home office is in Washington State so applicants should choose this location if they wish to work in the corporate office. Once a search has been initiated the browser will direct the applicant to a results page. From here, one may select a position they are interested in, there will be a pop up window asking to confirm the selection before the browser displays the job description, if there are multiple locations with that open position one may select to apply to more than one store/office. At this point if an applicant does not have a company profile they will be prompted to create one once they hit the apply button.

In order to create a profile, an applicant will be directed to input an email address, a password containing one number and one special character, select how they heard of the position from a drop down menu, and input an image code to verify they are not a spam bot. The second page of the profile creation will require several security questions to be selected. The third page in the profile creation will give an applicant the opportunity to upload a resume and a cover letter. This is a real time saver since several fields may be auto populated this way. Some of the fields necessary to move on with this process are identity, contact information, current employer, most recent employer, current wage, and employment type desired. An applicant will get the chance to review their answers and resume before submitting the information. It should be noted that even if this information is filled out it will have to be entered again when applying for a position.


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