Download Michigan Rental Lease Agreement Templates and Forms

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Michigan Rental Lease Agreement Templates and Forms

Download Michigan lease agreements that legally bind a landlord and tenant to one another for a fixed period of time. The tenant will be allowed to access and occupy property and in exchange pay rent to the landlord. The amount is usually due on the first (1st) of the month, and a contract is usually signed after the landlord has reviewed and approved the tenant’s credit history through the application. If lessor or lessee have any questions about their rights or State laws he or she should view the Landlord and Tenant Guide.

  • Rental Application – Allows a landlord to legally check a person’s credit, job, references, and prior leasing history with other property managers and owners. This analysis will help determine whether the potential tenant is qualified to rent the property based on income and how well he or she pays their bills. This verification process typically doesn’t take more than 72 hours.
  • Standard 1 Year – Download and use the fill in the blanks lease agreement to occupy property within the State of Michigan in exchange for monthly rent. The standard term is 12 months but may be any time as determined by both Lessor and Lessee. Once the document has been signed by both parties it becomes legally enforceable.
  • Sublease – This document that allows a person to be able to rent a space or property that is currently under a rental agreement. The person leasing the property (Sublessor) can negotiate any type of deal he or she would like with the new tenant (Sublessee) as long as the term does not go longer than the expiration date of the original agreement.

Common Landlord-Tenant Laws

  • Security Deposit
    • Limit – Landlord may only be able to accept one and a half (1.5) months’ rent
    • Returning – Must be within thirty (30) days along with documentation if any deductions for repairs/maintenance
  • Access – Landlord does not have to give notice to the tenant before entering the property
  • When is Rent Late – Rent is due the date stated in the agreement, there is no grace period.

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