Download Wyoming Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

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Wyoming Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

The Wyoming rental agreements available for download to legally make a contract between a landlord and tenant. The standard length of time is usually one (1) year but may be any term as decided by the parties. A review of the tenant’s credit is suggested through a rental application but the landlord may choose to go straight to a lease. If either lessor or lessee wants to view their rights they may do so by reading the State Statutes.

  • Rental Application –  Potential tenant completes either on the computer or after printing to fill in his or her financial information. The landlord may charge a fee and it can take up to five (5) days to review the information and references provided. If the landlord approves of the tenant then a lease will be drafted immediately.

  • Residential Lease – Legally permits a landlord to rent property to someone else (tenant) in exchange for payment on a monthly basis. The standard term is one (1) year but may be anytime as agreed upon by the parties. Once the agreement has been signed by both tenant and landlord it becomes legal.


Landlord-Tenant Laws

  • Security Deposit
    • Limit – No limit on how much rent the landlord may require
    • Returning – Thirty (30) days if there has been no damage left by the tenant and sixty (60) days if there has
  • Access – Landlord does not have to notify the tenant prior to entering the property
  • When is Rent Due? – On the date in the agreement. There is no grace period.

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