Download 24-Day Challenge Meal Plan | Fillable PDF | WORD | RTF

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24-Day Challenge Meal Plan | Fillable PDF | WORD | RTF

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A 24-day meal plan is a great way to jumpstart a weight-loss program or get you through a plateau. In addition to helping you lose weight through controlled portions and low-calorie foods, it will help set you on a routine of eating healthy foods that you will be able to stick with after the 24-day period.

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Like most healthy eating plans, the 24-day challenge revolves around a balanced diet that includes all the most important food groups: lean protein, vegetables, complex carbohydrates and fruit, and healthy fats. Two other key components are controlled portion sizes and the consumption of plenty of water.

Phase Structure

Phase 1

The first 10 days of the program are a cleansing phase. For this phase, you have to remove all coffee, alcohol, refined sugar, soda, processed foods, dairy, and white starches from your diet, in addition to drinking at least eight large glasses of water per day. Thus, this phase requires mostly lean protein, lots of vegetables, and some fruit and healthy fats.

A typical breakfast during this phase would be one serving of oatmeal, one egg with two extra egg whites, and one piece of fruit. Subsequent snacks and meals would roughly follow this meal. A typical dinner for this phase would be: 4 ounces fish, 1 small salad, and 1 cup of green vegetables.

Phase 2

For the last two weeks, you will eat according to whether you want to optimize weight loss, appetite control, or energy.

You don’t need to measure vegetables very closely, because they are low calorie and eating more than a traditional serving will only increase the nutrient content of your meal. The foods for this phase are mostly the same as the cleanse phase, but you may add dairy and other types of carbohydrates. It is still focused on nutritious foods: lean protein, vegetables, etc.

A typical dinner for this phase would be: 4 ounces chicken, one-half cup brown rice, 1 cup of green vegetables, and 6 almonds.

Here are examples of a typical 1-day meal plan for the cleanse phase and the second phase:

Cleanse Phase

Meal 1: 1 egg with 2 egg whites

1/2 cup peach slices

3/4 cup all bran


Meal 2: 1 cup strawberries

1/2 cup oatmeal

Baby carrots

6 almonds


Meal 3: 3 ounces shrimp


1/2 cucumber

6 almonds


Meal 4: Meal replacement bar



Meal 5: 4 ounces chicken

1 cup asparagus

1/2 cup brown rice

6 almonds

Second Phase

Meal 1: Meal replacement shake

1 cup strawberries


Meal 2: 6 ounces cottage cheese

1/2 cup oatmeal

Baby carrots

6 almonds


Meal 3: 1 can tuna with light Miracle Whip

1 orange

1 slice whole wheat bread

1/2 green vegetable


Meal 4: 6 ounces Greek yogurt

6 almonds


Meal 5: 4 ounces fish

1 cup green beans

1/2 cup brown rice

6 almonds

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