Download Newspaper Template | Article | Blank

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Newspaper Template | Article | Blank

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There a wide range of Newspaper Templates available online and many of the best are free. They work in a number of different ways. The easiest to understand come in the form of Microsoft Word or Adobe Illustrator documents. They already have stories inserted into the template, but those are just placeholders. You replace their newspaper name with the name you choose for your paper. You also replace the article titles with the titles of your articles, and you do the same thing with the content of the articles. You can even replace their pictures with artwork of your own choice.

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How to Use a Newspaper Template

With these types of Newspaper Templates, you can make the space a given article occupies larger or smaller. With most of them, you can also change fonts, font style and font size, and the color of the print. You can also increase or decrease the size of a picture. Some of them are even multi-page.

But what you can’t change is the basic layout. For example, if the template has a three column layout, that generally cannot be changed, so that is one thing that you have to be sure of before you select one of these types of Newspaper templates. One of the great advantages of these types of templates is that you can download most of them anonymously.

There is another type of Newspaper Template that is actually a system composed of many different types of templates. You pick and choose among the templates as the needs arise.

You may choose to employ a template with four columns for your front page, or perhaps one of three or five columns. Then, if it suits your purposes, you can choose a template of with a different number of columns for any of the subsequent pages in your newspaper.

Some of the templates that are offered might be most suitable for business sections, and others will be specifically designed for editorial or sports. There are even examples of split pages, with room for a picture that runs across the whole page on the top or the bottom, and arranged into a given number of columns on the remainder of the page.

This type of Newspaper Template, while still free of cost in most cases, is generally advertiser supported. You will need to register with an email address in order to gain access to your completed efforts, and in many cases, you need to register before you can even begin work. While instances of malware are rare, instances of unwanted ads emailed to you are not.

Whatever type of Newspaper Template you do choose to work with, it is generally good practice to compose your articles on a separate word processor, and not on the template itself. While composing on the template will encourage sharing among your writers, it is always preferable to keep your copy separate, in case of a catastrophic failure of the template. It is much easier to replace the structure of the completed work than the structure as well as the individual articles.


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