Download Blank Packing Slip Template | PDF | Word | Excel

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Blank Packing Slip Template | PDF | Word | Excel

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Packing slips usually accompany one or more containers of goods being delivered from one location to another. These documents list every item that is being delivered in the shipment. If the shipment is comprised of more than one container, the packing slips, quite often, are all shipped in a clear plastic bag that is clearly and prominently attached to one of the containers.

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The container can be a box, a carton, a pouch or a crate. Packing Slips are used both for internal transfers of goods, or if the shipment is going to an outside organization.

How to Use a Packing Slip

A typical Packing Slip will have the Logo of the organization from which the shipment is originating prominently displayed. Also on the top of the form will be the organization’s name, address, phone and fax numbers as well as an Email address. It is also useful to identify the location within the organization from which the shipment originates.

Below that and on the left, there will be invoicing information, if the delivery is to an outside organization. This will include company information including an address to which an invoice will be sent. Generally, the invoice itself is not part of the Packing Slip.

On the right, there will be an address to which this shipment is going. Even if this shipment is to an external organization, this address is included, because the invoicing address is seldom the same as the shipping address.

Under the addresses, there will four columns, but they define only one line. The first column will be for the date the order was received or shipped. The second column is for the Order Number. The third column is labeled Purchase Order Number, and the last column will identify the individual or group to which the shipment is being sent. Obviously, there is considerable variation to be found on this line, based on whether the shipment is to an internal party or to an outside customer.

Beneath the addresses, the Packing slip is divided into three columns: Quantity, Description, and Part Number. There is one line for each component in the shipment, and its quantity and complete specification can be entered.

Since the purpose of a Packing Slip is to inform all interested parties as to what is being shipped, neither the price of each item, nor the cumulative price of all the items in the shipment, are generally included in this document.

Many advertising-supported online sources offer free templates for Packing Slips. Those that come in a word processing file can be printed out and filled out by hand, or they can be filled out on a computer or tablet and then printed. Packing Slips are also offered as spreadsheet files, and these types are generally filled out in the computer and then printed.

Blank Packing Slip | PDF | Word | Excel

Blank Packing Slip | PDF | Word | Excel


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