Download New York LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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New York LLC Articles of Organization Forms

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The New York LLC articles of organization is the official application for obtaining a limited liability company. Download or file online to complete the form, pay or attach the filing fee, and send to the Department of State’s office. After filing, it is required that publication be made in a New York newspaper and the Certificate of Publication be filed.

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Verify Business Name

  • Check Entity Name It is not allowed to have duplicate LLC names exist. Make sure you check with the entity database to make sure the company name you select does not match with any others on file.

How to File

Step 1 – Application  – File Online or complete one of the articles of organization forms;

  • Domestic – For all new companies that will have the principal business address located in the State.
  • Professional Services – For companies that need specific or special licensing in the State in order to operate business transactions. A full list of all required services can be viewed on this page.
  • Foreign – For any company located outside the State.
  • Foreign Professional – For any professional company located outside the State.

Step 2 – Fee – Attach the fee of $200 ($250 for all foreign companies) made payable to the New York Department of State.

Step 3 – Send – Send the completed form and the filing fee to:

Division of Corporations, State Records and Uniform Commercial Code One Commerce Plaza, 99 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12231

Step 4 – Publication – After receiving the newly formed company in the mail you will need to publish an ad into at least two (2) newspapers proclaiming your new entity to the general public. After it has been completed you will need to complete a Certificate of Publication. This will need to be sent back to the same address as above along with the filing fee of $50.

After this is complete the applicant will receive full documentation from the Dept. of State in regards to their newly formed limited liability company.


  • Operating Agreement – It is recommended that any new LLC formed completes an operating agreement to ensure that a single owner may retain its ownership status. Also, it allows an LLC that contains partners to outline the ownership interest as well as protect as money invested in the company.
  • Employment Identification Number – This is a requirement for any bank account or financial activity to be done on behalf of the LLC. You can apply online at the IRS website.


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