Download West Virginia Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

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West Virginia Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

Download and complete the West Virginia rental agreements that allow a landlord to lease space he or she may have to a tenant. The landlord may want to check the applicant’s credit and references before authorizing a contract that will bind them both for a period of time. If either landlord or tenant have any questions about their rights or the agreement they should read the Tenancy Booklet or the Virginia State Statutes.

  • Rental Application – Allows a potential tenant to be able to see if he or she is qualified for a lease agreement. A landlord will usually review the tenant’s credit, job history, previous rental history, and any references that were provided. An extensive check of all the sources can take up to three (3) days and upon approval an agreement will be made.
  • Standard Lease – Template that may be completed by filling in the blanks with the landlord and tenants’ information. Typically, a property owner/manager will request to view the tenant fill in a rental application and will verify the credit and employment history while checking any references. The negotiations on the security deposit and upfront deposits will usually begin at this point when when there is more clarification on the kind of credit the tenant possesses. Once the agreement has been authorized by both parties the contract is considered legal.

Landlord-Tenant Laws

  • Security Deposits
    • Statutory Limit – None. Landlord may accept as much as desired
    • Returning – Landlord must return the deposit within sixty (60) days to the tenant or within forty-five (45) if a new tenant has filled the space
  • Access – No notice from the landlord is needed in order to access the tenant’s premises
  • When is Rent Due? – On the date specified in the agreement. No State grace period

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