Download North Dakota Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

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North Dakota Rental Lease Agreement Forms and Templates

Download and complete the North Dakota lease agreements to allow a tenant to be able to occupy and pay rent to an owner or manager. The following documents become legal once they have been signed by all parties and it is recommended all tenants be screened through a rental application.

Form Descriptions

  • Rental Application – Lets a landlord verify references by having the tenant fill in this form marking his or her employer and past renting contacts. The property manager or owner may charge a fee for collecting this information and servicing the background and credit of the applicant.
  • Standard Lease – The North Dakota residential lease agreement that is a legal document that binds both lessor and lessee over the right to rent property for monthly payments. Both parties must negotiate, complete, and authorize the form to make legal. It is recommended that the landlord or representative for the owner receive a completed rental application in order to verify present employment and credit history.

Common Landlord-Tenant Laws

  • Security Deposit
    • Limit – One (1) Months’ rent unless the tenant has a pet which the landlord may require up to two (2) months’ or $2,500 (whichever is greater)
    • Returning to Tenant – Landlord has thirty (30) days
  • Access – Landlord must provide “reasonable notice” before entering the rental property
  • When Rent is Late – There is no grace period and rent is due on the date specified in the contract.

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