Download Printable Rent Receipt Templates | PDF | Word | Excel

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Printable Rent Receipt Templates | PDF | Word | Excel

Use the rental receipt template as a way to show proof to a landlord that the tenant paid the monthly payment stated in the lease contract (unless the agreement is verbal). This is mostly used in cash payments or in any other method where there is no proof or trace of the installment other than the paper document.

How to Write

Upon the landlord/property manager receiving the payment by the lessee, the following should be filled-in:

  • Receipt Number (No.) (if any)
  • Date of Payment
  • Amount Received
  • Type (Cash, Check No., Money Order, etc.)
  • From (Tenant’s Name)
  • Tenant’s Address
  • Person Receiving Funds

No signature is required, although recommended.

Rental Payment Receipt | PDF | Word | Excel

Rental Payment Receipt | PDF | Word | Excel
